Sunday 15 September 2013

Nothing new in the Southern front

Here you can see the distribution of murders in August 2013 in Carabobo State. You can see the Valencia (in yellow) registered the highest amount of murders. That doesn't mean that's the municipality with the highest murder rate. Tocuyito (blueish to the West of Valencia) and Los Guayos (pink to the East) have a higher murder rate.

On the chart above you can see the total amount of murders per municipality since 2006. It seems the amount of murders has stabilized...but it has stabilized at a very high level. 

For comparison: last year the Comunidad Autónoma Valenciana in Spain registered 50 murders for its 5 million inhabitants. Carabobo, where Venezuelan Valencia is located, registered over 1500 murders for its 2.3 million citizens just from January to October of last year.

The murder rate has more than tripled since 1999.

On another topic: the government announced the Vergatario, Chávez's idea of a mobile, is going to be sold now for the equivalent of 389 dollars. The government will say that's a socialist price. As dollars are tightly controlled by the government, other mobiles will be even more expensive. A "socialist mobile" in Venezuela is much more expensive than a good mobile in the USA or Britain...and Venezuelans earn a fraction of what US Americans or Western Europeans earn.

The economy is absolutely running amok in Venezuela.


  1. What you seem to forget arguuing with murder rates is the most important statistic factor: the DENUNCIATION rate. It seems to me, that the same has risen as well. If even in Germany every murder, basically Domestic Violence, would be denuciated we would easily have like a triple of the published rate.
    Same in Venezuela but the other way around. When people are willing to denounce crime it is much more a sign of a felt secureness not insecurity


    1. That is completely rubbish. And that's why I chose the statistics on MURDER rate and I don't mean attempt or the like, I mean effective person who died: in Venezuela, I repeat, the murder rate is around 65 to 70 murders per 100 thousand people. In Germany it is 1.4 murders per 100 thousand people. This does NOT have anything to do with amount of denunciations. These statistics are much harder to massage, even if the Boligarchs and extreme left try to massage it in Venezuela.


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